ℹ️ This article only applies to customers testing the Conversations (Check-in 2.0). If you are looking for support with the original Check-in, please refer to this page.
Want to give Conversations a try? Please contact support@workpath.com to get early access.
To get started, here's a quick guide on the benefits and how-tos of Workpath's KPI Module:
Use Cases for Leadership & Operative Teams
Setting up a Conversation Series
Preparing an upcoming Conversation
Use Cases for Leadership & Operative Teams
Setting up a Conversation Series
A Conversation can be set up by any Workpath user, but usually it’s the leader of a certain team or area in the organization that takes initiative to do so.
Follow these steps to set up a new Conversation series on executive, department or team level:
- Navigate to Conversations
Click Add Conversation
- On the empty landing page if you are not yet part of any Conversations
- In the upper right corner if you have other Conversations set up already
- Choose the type of Conversation (single conversation vs. recurring event)
- Define name, date, time, length, cadence, participants and Goals to be discussed
- Copy the link of the Conversations page that you have created to the calendar invitation of your team event or check-in meeting in your preferred calendar app to remind participants to prepare the meeting before they join
Preparing an upcoming Conversation
As a participant of a Conversation, these are the steps to take individually ahead of the next meeting:
- Navigate to Conversations
- Click Prepare
- Update Key Results by clicking on their progress and confidence level as well as Initiatives and Jira/Azure DevOps epics
Add talking points to prepare the conversation, raise topics and give context by
- Clicking on the type of talking point you want to add
- Writing a short description
- Clicking Enter
Conducting a Conversation
Once it is time to conduct the Conversation meeting, the participants come together to
- Review goal progress and potentially update the confidence level
- Discuss the prepared talking points and adds new ones if necessary
- Go through blockers or risks from previous meetings and update their status
Check out the onepagers above to learn about differences between Conversations on executive, department, and team level.
Editing a Conversation Series
You can change the setting of a Conversation series at any time. To edit, follow these steps:
- Navigate to Conversations
- Click Edit for the respective Conversation series
- Edit name, date, time, length, cadence, participants or Goals to be discussed
- Click Save
Please note you cannot convert a single conversation into a series and vice versa.
To delete a Conversation series, follow these steps:
- Navigate to Conversations
- Click Edit for the respective Conversation series
- Click End Conversations Series to delete
Giving Feedback
To further improve our Conversations and adjust them better to your use cases, you can easily let us know what works and what could be improved via the feedback button at the top of the Conversation page. We are looking forward to your input!
Interested in reading more about how Check-ins can support your strategy execution? Read our latest article.